Turkey Fryer Burner Problems [How To Fix Them]

A turkey fryer burner can be a nice addition to your cooking ware collections. But they can be troublesome to some extent. Either the flames are not right, or it won’t light at all. 


Turkey Fryer Burner Problems

If the turkey fryer burner is not producing blue flame, it indicates a problem. The yellow or orange flame of your burner indicates a low oxygen supply to fuel. It also creates soot sometimes. In the worst-case scenario, your burner might not be lit at all. You can do a couple of things to fix it.

Wish to know the solutions? We got it all covered in our post. Then keep reading till the end.

Let’s go!

Turkey Fryer Burner Troubleshoots

Normally you expect a nice blue flame out of your turkey fryer burner. But if the flame is yellow, orange, or some other color, then that’s bad news. 

Because the turkey fryer burner doesn’t get hot enough with yellow/orange flame. It is probably having some issue that you’re failing to notice. 

The worst possibility would be your burner will not light at all. However, the issues might not be as complicated as the Egg Genius problems.

Here are a few turkey fryer burner problems that you can come across. Check out the solution section as well. Maybe you’ll fix it without paying any extra money for it.

Problem-1: Burning Yellow/Orange Flame

Many turkey fryer owners come across this issue often. Instead of the blue flame the burner lit on a yellow or orange flame. This mostly happens in old fryer burners.

It not only produces a yellowish flame but also makes soot. Soot is the black carbon particle that is produced by burning the fryer burner. 

It most likely dirties your kitchen wares and the surroundings. Cleaning propane spots can be a real hassle sometimes.

It also produces poisonous byproducts like carbon monoxide. So what to do if you face such a problem?

Solution: Cleaning & Fixing The Gas Ratio

The yellow flame in the burner indicates that there isn’t enough air for the fuel. The air is getting stuck, and it’s not enough for the fuel to burn right. This usually happens when the burner gets dirty inside.

It’s a pretty common issue to come across with them. So, the first thing you should do is clean the burner and gas pipe. Sometimes dead spiders get stuck in gas pipes. Making a blockage for the air to pass.

So clean all the pipes to make sure there’s no restriction working on the path. Now disassemble the burner and clean it using a wire brush. 

Once you’ve cleaned the burner and the pipes, check the gas regulator. You’ve to make sure there’s enough air flowing into the fuel. Sometimes the impingement pots are displaced.

It’s either too far or too close to the burner. So try placing it at the right distance. Also, check the air shutter’s adjustment. Play with the regulator knob to find the right blue flame for your burner.

Hopefully, with that, the soot problem will be gone too.

Problem-2: Burner Flame Won’t Stay Lit

It’s another common issue with turkey fryer burners. You can hear the ignition sound go off once you press the ignition button. But the flame doesn’t stay lit. So what can you do to fix this problem?

Now, you can do a few things when you face such an issue. Let’s go through them one by one.

Solution-1: Check The Thermocouple Location

Most turkey fryers have a feature that switches off the gas connection automatically. It disconnects the gas flow when there’s no heat in the burner. It is to make sure no gas is leaking from the fryer.

There’s a thermocouple installed in the fryer to detect this heat. If the sensor is placed far from the thermocouple, it’ll fail to detect the heat. As a result, the burner won’t light.

So try moving the sensor thermocouple closer to the sensor. Keep it next to the side of the burner. So that it can easily detect heat. 

Also, remember to keep the thermocouple clean. Dust can be a reason why it fails to detect heat.

Solution-2: Use Pot From The Same Manufacturer

The turkey fryer burners use a pot and spring mechanism as a security measure. The pot is supposedly placed on the spring. The temperature sensor of the fryer uses the spring. 

It’s to measure the temperature in the pot. As the temperature gets detected by the sensor, your burner gets lit. 

If the pot gets damaged, it might not work properly. So use proper kitchen utensils, as well as durable kitchen appliances.

For the sensors to work properly, a few conditions must be met. The pot used on the spring has to be of certain dimensions and weight.

If you see through your user manual, you’ll find these measurements. So, if you plan to replace the pot, first know the requirements. 

It’s better to get the pot from the same manufacturer. Since you’ll be able to access the right product depending on your fryer burner model. Also, using these parts from other manufacturers sometimes causes problems.

Solution-3: Check The Connections

The final step of your fryer burner troubleshooting is to check the connections. After you’ve done the necessary disarrangement and changes, check each joint’s connection.

Make sure that the connection isn’t lost or leaking somewhere. This is a serious issue. It makes your burner go bad and can make a dangerous scenario.

So carefully check for any leak in the joints. Tighten the connections properly if you come across any loose wires. Hopefully, with these, your turkey fryer burner problem will be gone.

All these solutions should be enough to solve your fryer burner issues. But if it’s still insufficient, you may have to change the burner.

Solution-4: Replace The Burner

If cleaning and other options don’t work, just change the burner. It’s pretty easy to replace turkey fryer burners. But first, you’d need to buy a burner part for the fryer.

Need some recommendations? You can try one of these products-

Product 1
Product 2

Let’s get down to the business if you’ve got the product. First, flip the fryer over. Make sure it’s all cooled down when you’re about to replace it.

The burner’s head should be connected to the frame with a washer and nut. Now, unscrew the nut from the older burner. The other end of the burner should be connected to the gas tube.

Unscrew the joint there as well. Now, take a wire brush and try to rub off the corrosion. After cleaning them, position the new burner in the same way the old one was. However, stay concerned while cleaning, don’t confuse it with cleaning a Big Green Egg pizza Stone 

Screw the nuts tightly, so the connections are secure. The new burners come with a disk on the connecting end of the gas tube. You can move and regulate this tube to control the airflow of the burner.

Finally, after adjusting them, see if you’ve achieved your desired result. Now it should generate heat and a bottom or top gas oven broiler.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does using vinegar help with removing soot?

Yes, vinegar is an excellent cleaning agent that can also remove soot. It’s quite effective against oily black soots. For cleaning, use one part of water to three parts of white vinegar. Mix them properly and apply them with a soft cloth or sponge over the stained areas.

How to clean a turkey fryer pot?

Cleaning a turkey fryer pot requires only a dishwasher and a scrubber. First, drain all the oil from the pot and wipe them clean. Then apply some soapy water and gently scrub with a scrub or brush. After scrubbing, rinse it with water.

Are using turkey fryers dangerous?

Using turkey fryers for cooking can be pretty dangerous sometimes. That’s because there’s a higher risk of overheating, spilling, or tripping. This could lead to fire hazards, burns, or other injuries. So, when using a turkey fryer, you should be extra careful. It’s better to use them outdoors.

Final Words

So have you detected any turkey fryer burner problems? We hope our solutions can help. Don’t forget to take safety measures before you start working on them.

And always reach out to professional support if things get confusing. That’s all from us regarding the turkey fryer burner problems. See you soon!